Thursday 18 July 2013

Guys You Should Avoid Because Of Their Jobs

In men, it’s the job category most likely to be associated with an episode of major depression (nearly 7% in full-time workers). So what are jobs a potential male mate may have that could spell trouble for you down the line? Find out after the jump;
Pros: He’s creative! He has feelings and isn’t afraid to express them! He is always around tinkering in his studio, fiddling with his latest novel draft, or working on that kinetic sculpture.
Cons: His paycheck — wait, he doesn’t get a paycheck. He cries more than you do. He’s prone to disappearing into his work for hours, make that days, make that years.
Conclusion: If you’re looking for stability, go out with Ted from financial services.
Pros. Has lots of free time. Not stressed out by work demands. Unlikely to be having an affair with the office administrative assistant.
Cons: You pay — for everything. Suffers from crushing lack of self-esteem. Makes your father want to tear his out his eyeballs.
Conclusion: Acceptable if temporary situation in challenging economy. As a lifestyle, unacceptable.
Insurance Agent/CPA/Accountant:
Pros: Reliable. Trustworthy. Deeply familiar with risk determination.
Cons: Boring. Won’t stop talking about latest tax revisions. Wears pleated khakis.
Conclusion: Better than the rent boy, but she must be able to tolerate protracted discussions of the weather to make it last over the long haul.
Bouncer/Military Contractor:
Pros: If anyone tries to mess with you, he will smash them into a pulp. He can carry you over his shoulder and forget you’re there. He is a man, not an emo boy.
Cons: His high-stress job stresses him out. He will never write you a sonnet. He works crazy hours/shifts, and you never know when you’ll see him.
Conclusion: It could work, but only if you’re willing to put your back into it.
Pros: Easy on the eyes. Knows all the best places to get waxed,and keep in shape(way better than you). A true professional in the sack.
Cons: Impossible to get any mirror time. Sexual contact with other women, possibly professionally, sometimes for money. STDs?
Conclusion: Ideal for cougars. Impossible otherwise.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Reasons to Wear an Overcoat

They add shape:Overcoats can define your body shape. They can add to your shoulders with some extra
padding, or give the impression of a curvy figure if you tie it up with a belt just above the waist. Depending on what fit, cut and style you opt for, they can make you look different.
 They trend you up:Overcoats make for a killer fashion statement. Available in a variety of fabrics, and styles, and embellishments, a perfectly thought about overcoat can make you look super stylish with minimum efforts. They are worth the money investment.
 They keep you warm:Besides serving as a fashion accessory, overcoats also keep you warm. They block the cold wind out and even if you are wearing just a dress beneath, they will shelter you. This makes them indispensable– you can wear anything beneath and just throw it on, and you are good to go.
They provide you with pockets:Overcoats provide you with pockets which you can actually use unlike the ones on your skinny jeans. You will be grateful to pockets for keeping your phone in them without having to struggle, or just sliding your hands in them and walk like you rule the world.
Overcoats might be expensive, but they justify the cost every time you wear them.
They are apt for traveling in public means:Because they hide whatever it is that you are wearing underneath, they are excellent when you have to take a taxi. It protects your dress, shields you, and covers the whole of you so that creeps don’t stare.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend

Whether someone is dating for years and is in a serious relationship or has just recently began dating, there are times when you do not have anything to say to each other. If it’s an old relationship, you can actually enjoy the silences shared but if you have been going out for just a couple of days or weeks, silences can be awkward, here are some useful tips on things to talk with your boyfriend.
  1.  Men will never admit it but they love it if their girlfriends pamper them, mother them and show their love and concern for them, once in a while. So, besides talking about some fun and romantic stuff, you can ask him things like how his day went, what he had for lunch, how was his sports class or office work, etc. Such loving and indulgent questions that show your concern for him are some of the things to talk with your boyfriend on the phone.
  2.  If you are well traveled, share your travel experiences and stories with your boyfriend. If you have some special interests such as reading, dancing, music, have conversations about them with him. If he genuinely likes you, he will pay attention to each and every detail of it and may pitch in the conversation every now and then, even if he has no clue or interest in these things.
  3. Men love to get complimented. So, the best topic to have a conversation with a guy is the guy himself. Tell him how good he looks, how handsome he is, how he makes you happy, how intelligent he is, etc. Sound genuine when you compliment him and I am sure he will be all ears and love it!
  4. Every one of us has our own likes and dislikes when it comes to food. So, ask your guy what he likes –whether it is chicken or vegetarian stuff. In between the conversation tell him all the foods you are good at cooking. The old adage that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, holds true even today. Thus, by having this conversation, you will earn some brownie points as well.
  5. Talk about yourself. Tell him about your likes, interests, hobbies, friends, passions, dreams, etc. If he genuinely loves you and thinks of you as a long term partner, he would be all ears and would want to know as much as he can about you.

Friday 5 July 2013

How Long Is Too Long To Date?

Here’s a guy secret: He knows within the first few weeks if your marriage material, he  know’s within the first year if he wants to marry you. After that it’s a free-for-all. Believe me when you see what you want it doesn’t take long to move on it. If it’s taking years and years something else is going on and it’s not because he wants to get himself together. Please don’t fall for that one. Everyone is not perfect nor do they need to be but believe me it’s easier for two people to work on something than one person by him or herself. If you don’t know within the first year, the chances are, this person is not right for you.
Special note to my long, long term relationship folks, maybe it will happen one day but chances are against it and the more you invest the harder it is to leave. In the meantime you could be blocking your blessings. Who knows what you’re missing out on while your mate boyfriend\girlfriend is messing around.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

How to Tell if a Guy Is Cheating

He becomes suspicious of you.If he’s normally a mellow type, all of a sudden he may want to know where you are all the time and with whom.It’s the result of him realizing that if he’s cheating and it’s not that hard, you might also be getting away with it.Also, beware of extremely detailed responses to even your most innocent “How was work today?” queries. He may be preparing epic answers because he’s terrified of getting caught.
He’s super protective of his gadgets.The main way that cheats are found out is through the discovery of incriminating e-mails, cell phone texts or bills. So if he’s being unfaithful, he may guard his gadgets or act really defensive when you innocently touch his phone or computer. It should be a giant red flag if he readily gave you passwords in the past, and now he’s more evasive.
Nothing fazes him anymore. If he was short-tempered before, a combination of added sex and attention could be making him way more relaxed, even downright giddy.If your guy is suddenly going around all happy and whistling, then you need to find out why.
He steps up the grooming. This is so obvious, but it’s a sign many women miss: If your man starts grooming down there without you requesting it, that could be an indication that he’s spending more time naked.You can actually thank porn for this tipoff. Guys today are used to viewing manscaped dudes onscreen, so if he has another chick to impress with his sexual prowess, he may emulate those ultra-trimmed guys. Another clue: He’s spending more time at the gym. 

If your sex life hasn’t fallen off, that’s no guarantee that he’s faithful. It’s a serious mistake to think that affairs are necessarily sexual. He may just be unhappy in other parts of the relationship

Monday 1 July 2013

Relationships In Your Workplace

It’s true that workplace is where we put to use all the business acumen and skills that we acquire through training and experience. However, all of us know that work is not just numbers and negotiations. It is so much more about relationships – relationships with colleagues, with the boss, other employees and also with business partners. Besides relationships in the workplace that are based purely on professional grounds, getting emotionally close to co-workers at workplace is also a common occurrence. This should not come as a surprise.So lets deal with relationships in the workplace that are purely platonic and then with those that cross the boundaries of being “just friends”.
 Be Professional but Approachable.Obviously you are at your office to work. Make clear to everyone that work comes first for you. However, don’t be aloof. If others need help and you can help them, make that extra effort. However, stay away from delving into things that are of a very personal nature.
Set Your Boundaries.Being approachable may be taken by many, that they can come to you with any problem that they have. As long as the problems are professional, it’s okay. However, be careful of the personal ones. Give a clear hint to your co-workers that you are approachable, but only up to a limit. Maintain your professional ethics. Guard your privacy carefully and stay away from personal affairs of others. Striking the right balance between professional and personal aspects is the mantra for success at workplace.
Stay Away from Gossip.Workplace communication is desirable. However, office gossips are very harmful for both an organization as well as for its employees. Indulging in gossip is good time – wasted. If ever a talk steers towards gossip, try to turn it towards a positive direction. If that does not work, politely excuse yourself out of the conversation.
 Know Who to Trust.Despite having said about maintaining a professional relationship in the workplace, everyone needs to share his/her thoughts that may not be absolutely of a professional nature. Each one of us has a friend in our workplace with whom we share a close bond. However, before deciding on such a person, be sure that he is not one who would show sympathy to you and then talk about you behind your back.

Thursday 27 June 2013

How To Stay In Love With Each Other

Want to keep the heat in your love life year round? Whether it’s with a new guy, or your extended summer fling, here’s how:
  Refuse to Hibernate. In crappy weather you are going to be spending more time indoors. That’s fine.
What’s not fine is to hibernate in your apartment and take your relationship into a rut where all you do with your man is eat take out and watch movies on demand. There are plenty of fun indoor activities you can do in the winter: visit a museum, scale a rock climbing wall, go roller skating, see live music somewhere … do anything that gets you off your couch and out of the same old routine.
  Stay Spontaneous.Part of the excitement of summer is the last minute getaways. Renting a car and driving to the beach, taking a day off to go to a lake, deciding last minute to spend the day at an amusement park. That spontaneity keeps a relationship feeling fresh. And there’s no reason you have to lose that come colder months. Sure, the activities themselves might be different, but your sense of adventure doesn’t have to be. Keep looking for last-minute get aways, and keep thinking about possible road trips.
Leave Work at Work.Blame it on summer Fridays,or beach weekends but whatever the culprit, time to leave work at work, and use your down time to relax. That means more attention that you’re giving to your man, and a greater sense of fun that you bring to the relationship. Yes, it is the time to buckle down at work, but when you’re not at work, focus on other things. When you and your man are together, make a pact to burry your blackberries in your sock drawer, and actually BE together.
Stay Responsible. There’s just nothing hot about the stress that comes from a pregnancy or STD scare. Just like we know you were responsible with your birth control before, keep up that responsibility in the fall. And if you weren’t so responsible in the warmer months, now is the time to vow to be better. Get on birth control pills if you’re not already. And if all else fails, know you can get Plan B the morning after (well, up to three mornings after actually). When you feel good and confident about your health, you feel good and confident about your sex life.